No te digo na' y te lo digo to'...

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Visual Dictionary Online

One of the most amazing things of the ICTs is the wide range of resources we have at a clic on the internet.

We found very interesting this webpage: Visual Dictionary Online.

The Visual Dictionary Online is an interactive dictionary with an innovative approach, as it is defined by itself.

It has a widre range of themes, which is very interesting as it can be used in lots of different teaching contexts.

But not only this. tou can also explore and find the definition/explanatio for more than 6,000 words.

Have you have an example and the explanation of what is the dictionary about:

This is what oyu find in the main webpage, but if you clic on Human being, then you can choose among the following categories: Anatomy (muscles, skeleton, teeth, blood circulation, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, nervous system, male reproductive organs, female reproductive organs and breast).

If you clic on respiratoy system then you can choose between respiratory system, and you have an overview of it or lungs.

We clic on lungs and we get a picture of the lungs and each part of it is named and explained. Besides, next to the name and the definition, you have also the option of listening to the pronunciation of the word.

It is fanstastic and absolutely recommendable, especially for programs such as CLIL, in which students deal with content through a foreign language.


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