No te digo na' y te lo digo to'...

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Being interactive while teaching and learning

Out of the blue we bumped into this webpage called: Interactives - Spelling Bee.

It is worth to have a look at it (and to use it!).  Contestants (out students)  in grades 1-8 will listen to three stories, one at a time, and then spell words from each story. Students in high school will listen to separate sentences and then spell the words from each sentence.

The aim of this webiste is, as it is explained there: "an interactive Web site where students can learn grade-appropriate vocabulary by practicing how to spell specific words and using contextual clues to understand their meanings. The activities at each grade level are designed to let students work at a pace that is appropriate to their skill level. Students hear words multiple times that they are asked to spell, typing and retyping words until they are prepared to submit their words for scoring."

For more information visit this link, where you can find a detailed explanation of what Spelling Bee is about.

We have been happily surprised by this website and we think it deserves to have a careful look at it. It seems really interesting and useful.

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