No te digo na' y te lo digo to'...

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

Everybody's gonna love TODAY!

From ancient times, Saint Valentine is considered as the patron of love par excellence.  He was punished for defending the right to love and be loved in the Roman period, when the Roman Empire was falling down.

 The Great Empire was falling into decline and the emperor Claudius III started to think that married men were less productive in the battlefield because they were affected by the feelings towards their wives and children and single soldiers did it much better than them. So, he ordered marriage to be banned. 

After hearing the news, Valentine, a Christian bishop, decided to go against doing it his way: he incites young people in love to come to him and get married. When Claudius found out what Valentine was doing, he asked for his detention and tried to convince him to resign Christianism. But this attempt was in vain. Valentine was ordered to be battered, stoned and finally, decapitated in February, 14th.

The famous tradition of sending postcards for this day comes from a love story about Valentine and a jailer’s daughter, Julia. This young girl was born completely blind and needed to receive some special lessons. Valentine became his instructor and little by little he was falling in love with Julia. Even her eyesight is said to be recovered after becoming lovers. Just the day before his execution, Valentine sent a farewell letter to Julia signing as “your Valentine.”

Nowadays, these postcards are sent all over the world and it has become one of the most popular traditions in many generations. 

The following video belongs to the film ‘Saint Valentine’s Day’. Nothing better for this day than feeling the love everywhere! 

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