No te digo na' y te lo digo to'...

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

...and what about CrEaTiVitY?

Why is the teaching of arts so important, specially drama and dance, in school?
Is it related to the children's intelligence?
Is it possible that education is just oriented to get a job at the end of school?

The following video reproduces a famous speech by Ken Robinson, an important speaker and international advisor on education in the arts of governing, non-profits, education and art bodies, who deals with the topic of Creativity in Education. He considers Creativity as fundamental as literacy and numeracy, giving the opportunity for children to find what they are creative at, which is the nature of their intelligence.
He also points out the fact of learning to be creative because some values such as self-confidence, innovation and social skills are all that they will need for the new economies and to solve the unstable situation in the world.
So, Creativity is thought to be the heart of the learning processing.
Enjoy the video and come to your own conclusions!

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