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viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Connecting classrooms

The necessity of achiving a good level in the foreign languages studied during the secondary education has given place to the creation of numerous interesting programs with the objective of improve the level of the target language.

One of those programs is Connecting classrooms and is organised by the British Council.

What is it?

"Connecting Classrooms is a global programme that creates partnerships between clusters of schools in the UK and others around the world. "

What are its objectives?

" (...) to improve their knowledge and understanding of other cultures and prepare them for life and work as global citizens."

We also found here that several high schools are participating in it. Visit at the webpage in order to get to know more about the experience. You can also have a look at the "report of activities" they did on October.

It seem an interesting program so we want to invite you to read more about it in its website

By the way, there are over 70 countries in the world participating in the program!

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