No te digo na' y te lo digo to'...

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

why do I have to speak English?

...How many times do we have to hear that question?

Nowadays, people from non-English speaking countries do not consider important the fact of learning English as long as they should due to many different reasons. However, reality is far from defending that kind of reasons and, little by little, the importance of English all over the world is making English be a necessary tool to understand and be understood. How to make people, and specifically, students, be aware of the necessity to speak English? Here, there is an example of a video corporation which exposes in a dynamic way the reasons why people should study English. Enjoy it and become a world citizen once and for all!

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


Here, you can read a beautiful poem about the sense of being alive because life could be wonderful if you really want to:
 Life is Beauty

Life is beauty, admire it.

Life is bliss, taste it.

Life is a dream, realize it.

Life is a challenge, meet it.

Life is a duty, complete it.

Life is a game, play it.

Life is a promise, fulfill it.

Life is sorrow, overcome it.

Life is a song, sing it.

Life is a struggle, accept it.

Life is a tragedy, confront it.

Life is an adventure, dare it.

Life is luck, make it.

Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

Life is life, fight for it.


Sincerely, talking about my experience as an English student, I can’t manage to remember those early years when English language started to come to my life. What I do remember clearly and fondly is the moment when I decided to be an English teacher and I would like to introduce it with a curious and real anecdote.
It was Christmas time and I was 7 years old. I was playing with my little sister in a supermarket while we both were waiting for my mother to buy some things. Suddenly, my sister pushed me towards an adult couple making me fall down just in front of them. The man asked me if I was Okay, but I couldn’t understand him. He didn’t stop asking me questions that I couldn’t answer because I didn’t understand any single word that he was saying to me! and it was so frustrating and, at the same time, so exciting for me that immediately  I asked my mother what he was trying to say to me, but my mother told me: ‘I don’t know, darling. He was speaking another language…English, I suppose.’ English! That word didn’t stop ringing in my ears and I thought to myself: I DO want to learn English! Definitely, it was the starting point to be interested in everything related to English: its countries, the different cultures and lifestyle surrounding English. In fact, my passion for English language in general was so great that I started to behave myself like an English person: I usually pretended to imitate English language talking to my sister in public places speaking strangely as it was real English and I held the trolley in a supermarket from the other part, following the idea that English people make things the other way around.And that was the experience that made me feel comfortable with the English language.

Since that point, I have never considered English as the rest of the subjects.  I felt something special inside every time my English teacher taught vocabulary or very simple grammatical structures at the beginning of my educational formation and, one day, due to the interest that I showed in class to collaborate and participate, my primary teacher advised me to study English at university. I think that this fact was the main reason why I managed to be a good English student. 

In my secondary education period, English teachers at High School were quite efficient and they played an important role to determine my decision of becoming an English teacher. They all transmitted me the feeling of teaching English with real passion and enjoying honestly their job. From my point of view, this is the main point while teaching and the key to be successful at everything you are dedicating your life and effort.

However, regarding the content, I must say that they all were too much focused on teaching grammar structures. We were efficiently prepared to construct correct sentences with every single structure and I think that we were taught with an excellent base to know properly the  'skeleton' of a language. But, frankly, this is not enough for an English student class, no matter the level you belong to. Honestly, the lack of listening and speaking practice in class established an important “gap” in my formation, not being able to speak as fluently as I should according to my grammar level and it was a great change from ESO to Bachillerato due to the importance of achieving communicative skills, even though these skills were not thaught as hard as they should have been.

To conclude, from my experience as an English student, I can point out that the basis to teach successfully any kind of knowledge in any subject is transmit all that you really want to communicate with passion and feeling heartily what you are doing. That is the main link to complete the long chain of knowledge that makes students get involved in learning process. As a future English teacher, my principal aim, apart from making students see any sense in what they are learning, is guide them to a communicative purpose with real situations, focusing my teaching in what I have missed in my formation. I wish I could have the opportunity to do an excellent job in it.

Esther García García.

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011


My experience as a foreign language student started at school when I was eight years old. I remember how we spent much of our time painting and filling in with the appropriate word in flash cards which we had to hand in later. We repeated words aloud and we did grammar exercises. These were the basis for our English education in primary education. Understanding, practising, reading and writing…

And this did not change that much during secondary period, although difficulty levels were raising little by little in terms of vocabulary and grammatical structures. As my blog-mate Anna has already said, our English teaching has been quite deficient in which some skills are concerned; that’s to say, listening and speaking. Maybe we are very proficient in which grammar and writing is said but our “purely” communicative abilities are a great deal over the rest of Europe.

In my case, it was thanks to my hometown’s Language School (EOI) that I began to face different situations in which speaking was necessary. We were also forced to practice listening in order to pass some exams and this helped me to start getting my ears used to understanding English. I believe that this was a great complement to my English formation.
On the other hand, my decision to become an English teacher was the consequence of many factors: good teachers along my educational life, desire to be a teacher to “enlighten” others with what I know and English being a subject which makes me feel good, comfortable and also, the love for foreign languages. Apart from that, I feel I could enjoy my life working with teenagers since it is an environment that I consider to be suitable for me and my personality to work in.

As a summary, I have to say I had/have had a satisfying experience as a language learner and thanks to it, I am here studying English and preparing myself to be a good professional in a future. I would like to add that the new generation of teachers has a great responsibility in portraying a better image of what learning a language is, providing the students with interesting material for them to “catch up” as soon as possible and creating, as a result, a good atmosphere for the learning, highlighting real everyday skills which have been ignored along time, such as speaking and listening.

Tatiana Gonzalo López


Audiobooks have traditionally been used in schools by teachers of second-language learners, learning-disabled or -impaired students, and struggling readers or nonreaders. In many cases, audiobooks have proven successful in providing a way for these students to access literature and enjoy books.

It might be appropriate to list the benefits of audiobooks for all students. Audiobooks can be used to:

  • Introduce students to books above their reading level.
  • Model good interpretive reading.
  • Teach critical listening.
  • Highlight the humor in books.
  • Introduce new genres that students might not otherwise consider.
  • Introduce new vocabulary or difficult proper names or locales.
  • Sidestep unfamiliar dialects or accents, Old English, and old-fashioned literary styles.
  • Provide a read-aloud model.
  • Provide a bridge to important topics of discussion for parents and children who can listen together while commuting to sporting events, music lessons, or on vacations.
  • Recapture "the essence and the delights of hearing stories beautifully told by extraordinarily talented storytellers" (Baskin & Harris, 1995, p. 376).
Audiobooks can be a welcome addition to every classroom. Many students are avid readers while others are struggling to become readers and still others have given up hope. Audiobooks have something to offer all of them.

This kind of books usually appears in MP3 or MP4 format. Some interesting webpages where you can find free audio book material which are worth browsing are the following ones: 

My experience as an English student (I)

When I was around 8 or 9 years old my mother enrolled me in an English course and in singing lessons.

A year leater, I quitted the singing lessons because I did not like it whereas I continued with the English lessons until I came to live and to study in València when I was 18 years old.

My passion for the English language and for teaching comes from my English teacher, N.

I used to enjoy her lessons very very much. In only an hour we used to do a lot of grammar, listening and oral exercises. I always had the feeling that I was learning and improving my English, which I think it was crucial for my interest in it.

The skills I was not good at were pronunciation, speaking fluency and listening. However, thanks to a scholarship I got when I was 17 years old, I spend a whole month in Ireland. It was one of the best experiences in my life. Not only because of the fact of being abroad, travelling, meeting new people, etc, but also because I improved significantly my speaking fluency and my listening skill. This encouraged me to continue studying it.

Besides, N. also became a model to me. She has, from my point of view, the characteristics the best teacher have: she used to be kind and motivating. And most of all, she seemed to enjoy teaching and being proud of our progress.

All in all, this mixture of passion for English and my admiration for N is what brought me to be willing to become English teacher.

From my point of view, those who have devoted a huge amount of time throughout our lives to study a foreign language and then we want to be teachers of it have the advantage of being able to do it knowing from fisrt hand in which areas we have to insist more.

In my opinion, communicative language should be devoted more attention in class. It is very important to allow the students to take risks with the language and to produce output in order to know which mistakes do they make and correct them. By communicative language I mean speaking, but also listening (a skills which is barely worked throughout the secondary education).

Summing up, my experience as an English student has been very positive even though some skills, as I mentioned above, were weaker than others. And this fact will definitely influence my approach to the teaching of English as a foreign language.

Ana Rodrigo.

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Visual Dictionary Online

One of the most amazing things of the ICTs is the wide range of resources we have at a clic on the internet.

We found very interesting this webpage: Visual Dictionary Online.

The Visual Dictionary Online is an interactive dictionary with an innovative approach, as it is defined by itself.

It has a widre range of themes, which is very interesting as it can be used in lots of different teaching contexts.

But not only this. tou can also explore and find the definition/explanatio for more than 6,000 words.

Have you have an example and the explanation of what is the dictionary about:

This is what oyu find in the main webpage, but if you clic on Human being, then you can choose among the following categories: Anatomy (muscles, skeleton, teeth, blood circulation, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, nervous system, male reproductive organs, female reproductive organs and breast).

If you clic on respiratoy system then you can choose between respiratory system, and you have an overview of it or lungs.

We clic on lungs and we get a picture of the lungs and each part of it is named and explained. Besides, next to the name and the definition, you have also the option of listening to the pronunciation of the word.

It is fanstastic and absolutely recommendable, especially for programs such as CLIL, in which students deal with content through a foreign language.
